If your promotional code isn't working for your online order, there could be a few reasons for this. The options below might help you understand the issue.
Rewards For Life voucher:
To use your Rewards For Life voucher online, please ensure the following:
- In the basket page, enter your Rewards For Life number first. It will display 'You will collect x amount of points' if successfully applied. The Rewards For Life voucher won’t apply if the card number is not entered.
- If you're logged in and your Rewards For Life is linked to your online account, this should apply automatically. You can find your voucher number in the Rewards For Life section of your 'My H&B' online account if the voucher hasn't applied automatically.
- After confirming your Rewards For Life number, enter the voucher number in the 'Discount codes & offers' section of the basket page in the 'Enter a promotional code' box.
- If successfully applied, you’ll see the following message 'You have one voucher applied' along with the voucher amount.
Discount code:
To use a Discount Code online, please ensure the following:
- Enter the code in the 'Discount Codes & Offers' section in the basket page in the 'Enter a promotional code' box.
- Make sure to check the T&Cs for item eligibility: https://www.hollandandbarrett.com/info/redeem-in-store/ Some individual items will state ‘Discount codes cannot be used with this product’ so please look out for this on the item page or it will be displayed in the basket page.
- All discount codes have an expiry date, so make sure to double check your code hasn't expired.
- Some discount codes require a minimum spend, so please ensure you meet this requirement. If you've used a Rewards For Life voucher or if the items you've ordered are part of a different promotion that reduces your total, you may need to add more items to reach the minimum spend.
Please be aware discount codes cannot be stacked, only one discount code can be used at a time.
- Blue Light / NHS discount
To use a Blue Light discount code online, please ensure the following:
- Log in to your Blue Light Card account, redeem on the site, and you will receive your unique code for online use.
- Enter the Blue Light discount code in the promotional code box found in the Discount Codes & Offers section on the basket page.
- Double check the T&Cs for the Blue Light discount for any exclusions: https://www.hollandandbarrett.com/info/nhs/
Please be aware discount codes cannot be stacked, only one discount code can be used at a time.
UNiDAYS / Student discount
To use a UNiDAYS discount code online, please ensure the following:
- The discount is exclusively for verified UNiDAYS members. Please remember that the UNiDAYS discount cannot be combined with any other offers or discount codes.
- Keep in mind that some items might not qualify for discount codes, so it's wise to review the terms and conditions here: https://www.hollandandbarrett.com/info/terms-and-conditions/student-discount/
- Make sure to apply the unique discount code to the 'Discount codes & offers' section, in the 'Enter a promotional code' box in the basket page.
Rewards For Life bonus points voucher
To use your Rewards For Life bonus points voucher online, please ensure the following:
- On the basket page, please start by entering your Rewards For Life number. If it's applied successfully, you'll see a message saying 'You will collect X amount of points'.
- If you're logged in and your Rewards For Life is linked to your online account, your Rewards For Life number should apply automatically.
- Once you've confirmed your Rewards For Life number, please enter the bonus points voucher number in the 'Discount codes & offers' section of the basket page, specifically in the 'Enter a promotional code' box.
- If it's applied successfully, you’ll notice the bonus points voucher listed in the Discount Codes & Offers section. This amount of bonus points won’t be displayed in amount of points collected on the order.
- Please check the T&Cs of the bonus points voucher to make sure the items and spending amount are valid.