Your click & collect order will be securely held in store for 14 days. After this period, if it hasn’t been collected, your order will be automatically cancelled and refunded to you.
If you'd rather not wait for the order to expire, you can contact us to cancel your order once it's 'ready to collect' in store. You'll receive an email or text when its ready.
If you've placed your order in the last 30 minutes we may be able to cancel it before it's sent to store. You'll need to act quickly, so contact us directly via our webchat or by calling us so we can action your request as soon as possible:
- 0330 058 2025 (UK)
- 18 0090 1595 (Ireland)
Please note:
If you placed your order directly at a Holland & Barrett store with the help of one of our friendly colleagues, you’ll need to return to the same store to process your refund.
Our customer service team is unable to process refunds for purchases made directly in our stores, but we’re here to help with any other enquiries or assistance you may need.