Once you've submitted your order, we're unable to make any change, including amendments to the email address, items in the order or the delivery or billing address.
If you've made a mistake you may be able to cancel your order using our form below.
Alternatively, if you need to cancel your order and start again, please type 'cancel order' in our our automated chat function (click on the speech bubble in the bottom right of your screen). We'll ask you for your order number and email address and we'll check if your order can still be cancelled. If cancellation is available, you can do this with the click of a button!
Contact us – Help Centre (hollandandbarrett.com)
Don’t worry if you’ve missed that 30 minute cancellation window, you can still return your order to us completely free of charge.
For all the details on our free return options and policy, please visit: https://www.hollandandbarrett.ie/info/delivery-and-returns/returns/
If returning an order is a challenge, you can refuse the parcel upon delivery, and the courier will send it back to us. Be aware that this option can delay you receiving your refund.
Whatever option you choose, rest assured that once we receive your returned order, we’ll process your return and issue a refund automatically. Please allow up to 14 days for the return and refund process.